The purpose of this article is to provide information to Outreach Users regarding the Outreach CRM Configuration Manager.
When business needs change, Outreach Administrators update their CRM Plugin configuration to support new processes. Common plugin configuration updates include changing sync filters or syncing new fields between Outreach and a CRM. To lower risk, admins test configuration updates outside of their production environment (sandbox). Admins want to ensure that the updates meet expectations without impacting production environments. Once tested, Admins then move configuration updates to the production environment.
The Outreach CRM Configuration Manager solves these challenges by enabling admins the ability to backup, migrate, and restore a snapshot of their plugin configuration.
Intended Audience:
- Outreach Users
Outreach CRM Configuration Manager FAQs:
Q: What is the Outreach CRM Configuration Manager?
A: The Outreach CRM Configuration Manager enables Outreach admins to backup, migrate, and restore a snapshot of their Plugin configuration. With the CRM Configuration Manager, admins can move configuration between Outreach environments or create a new sandbox Plugin in minutes. Admins can also backup their Plugin configuration, creating a rollback point.
Q: What configurations can be moved using this feature?
A: All plugin configurations such as field mappings, advanced task mapping, polling settings, filters, etc. Usernames and passwords cannot be moved with this setting.
Q: Can I export non-CRM Plugin configuration such as Triggers?
A: No. This feature only applies to the CRM plugin.
Q: Can I export only parts of the Plugin configuration?
A: No. The plugin configuration manager exports a snapshot of your entire CRM Plugin configuration.
Q: Can I edit the Plugin configuration file on my computer?
A: Yes. The exported configuration file can be edited using common text editors included with Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems.
Q: Can I use this for both the Salesforce and Dynamics Plugins?
A: Yes. This feature will be available to both Salesforce and Dynamics customers.
Q: Is the configuration migration process the same for Salesforce and Dynamics?
A: Yes. There are no differences; however users cannot import a Salesforce configuration into Dynamics or vice versa.
Q: Can I use this to back up my CRM Plugin configuration?
A: Yes. For more information, refer to the How To Export (Backup) a CRM Plugin Configuration article.
Q: Can I do this in my production environment?
A: Outreach recommends testing this feature in a sandbox environment while in beta. For more information on obtaining an Outreach Sandbox environment, contact your AE or CSM as applicable.
Q: What happens when I import a CRM plugin configuration?
A: Importing a CRM plugin configuration will overwrite current CRM Plugin configurations including mappings, advanced task mappings, etc.; therefore, Outreach recommends users test in a sandbox environment while the feature is in beta