Configure Cross-Instance Sign-in in Outreach. Cross-Instance Sign-in enables Admin Users to login with a single (root) email address to multiple Outreach instances, authenticated via password or single-sign-on with an external Identity Provider, and select the instance they intend to access.
Applies To
- Outreach Admins
Before you begin
- This feature is currently limited to Admins only and requires opt-in to utilize.
- To request this feature, you must be an Outreach admin.
- You must have access to multiple Outreach instances.
- Ensure to complete the procedures below in order.
Prepare Instance Logins
Establish root email
Determine which email address should be treated as your root email (i.e., the primary email you would like to use to access all linked Outreach environments once Cross-Instance SSO is enabled.)
Typically, this root email is linked to your organization’s Identity Provider Single-Sign-On authentication workflow.
Configure instance login emails based on root
Ensure that all login emails that you would like to have linked together follow the same structure and have the same domain as the root email address.
For example, for user Jane Doe who has access to multiple Outreach org instances, she must make sure each instance login starts with the same prefix structure (e.g., “jane.doe”) and has the same domain name (e.g., @outreach.io):
- jane.doe@outreach.io (production root login)
- jane.doe+a4test@outreach.io (test instance)
- jane.doe+staging@outreach.io (staging instance)
- jane.doe+staging2@outreach.io (second staging instance)
Note: You must leverage the “+” symbol to separate the main part of the email prefix from the instance identifier to distinguish each instance login (e.g., as shown above: jane.doe+staging@outreach.io). DO NOT use any other special characters or spaces as separators, which will not be recognized, and will subsequently prevent Admins attempting to log in from being presented with the instance selection window.
Opt in to Feature Access
- Log in to the Outreach Support Portal. (Skip if you are already logged in here.)
Click here to start a ticket to Add Services. To navigate manually:
- Click Get Help.
- From the Please choose your issue below dropdown, select Add Services.
- In the CC field, optionally add additional email addresses to notify others in your organization as applicable.
- From the Add Services dropdown menu, select Enable Other Services.
- Enter the following details in the Description field.
- Enable Cross-instance SSO for <Company Name>.
- List out all the orgs that you would like to have linked together indicate which one of them should be the primary login.
Note: Include the production org where the root email address resides.
- Click Submit.
- Review your submitted New Add/Remove Services Request ticket on the resulting ticket details page.
- Note the request Id, and optionally add any further details as needed.
Once the request has been completed, Cross-Instance SSO will be available. To confirm:
- Log in to Outreach as an Admin.
- Click Administration > Organization > Org info.
- Scroll down to Cross-instance SSO and observe that the feature is enabled and all the orgs assigned in the Instance Group ID.
Log in from the Cross-Instance Selection Window
Reminder: Only Admins can use Cross-Instance Login.
- Log in to Outreach with the appropriate root address for the orgs assigned.
- From the account sign-in selection window, select the appropriate org.
- Click Next to continue logging in.