The purpose of this article is to provide direction to Outreach users in adding and removing addresses in the Outreach Platform.
Due to ever changing regulatory bodies in various countries implementing complex address requirements around number purchase and use, Outreach enables users with an Admin Governance to add and remove addresses where your company has a physical presence.
Applies To
- Outreach Voice
- Users
Add a New Voice Address
- Access the Outreach Platform.
- Click Settings.
- Click Addresses under the System Config section in the Settings navigation pane.
- On the Addresses landing page, click +Address in the menu bar.
- Input the necessary information and click Save.
The new address populates in the Address list.
Delete an Address from Outreach
Note: Addresses associated with a purchased number cannot be removed from the platform until the associated number is first removed.
- Access the Outreach Platform.
- Click Settings.
- Click Addresses under the System Config section in the Settings navigation pane.
- Click the More options icon to the right of the applicable address.
- Select Delete.
- Click Confirm on the delete confirmation window.
The address is removed from the Address list.