The purpose of this article is to provide direction to Outreach Admins regarding triggers.
Intended Audience:
- Outreach Admins
Opportunity Triggers
Triggers are an extremely powerful admin feature that allow you to automate actions on behalf of the rep, in Outreach. This article will go over the different options associated specifically with Opportunity triggers. To learn how to create a new trigger, please see this article.
To create an Opportunity trigger, find the section labeled event.
The event determines when a trigger should take action. For Opportunity triggers, your options include the following:
- Opportunity Created - The Trigger will fire when an Opportunity is created in Outreach and all applicable conditions are met.
- Opportunity Update - The Trigger will fire when an existing Opportunity in Outreach is updated and all conditions are met.
- Opportunity Created or Updated - The Trigger will fire when an opportunity is created in Outreach or an existing Outreach Opportunity is updated and all applicable conditions are met.
- Opportunity Close Date - The Trigger will fire X days before or after a specified date fieldifthe trigger event is specified as opportunity close date (ex: Opp close date or meeting follow up).
Once you select the event that the trigger should look for, you’ll notice that you have new options on the target field.
The target field determines what/who on the Opportunity will be affected by the trigger:
- All Prospects on Opportunity - The trigger actions will apply to all prospects associated with the Outreach opportunity.
- Primary Prospect - The trigger actions will only affect the primary prospect on the Outreach opportunity. A primary prospect must be identified on the opportunity for this trigger to fire.
- Prospect Role - The trigger actions will only affect prospects identified as a specific role on the Outreach opportunity. If this option is selected, a new field appears that shows all the prospect roles. You choose the role that you want to take action off of. You can only choose one prospect role.
- Opportunity - The trigger actions will affect a field on the Opportunity itself, and will not affect any associated prospects.
- Account - The trigger actions will apply to the associated account for this opportunity.
Now that you’ve selected the trigger event and target, you need to determine what conditions need to be met before the trigger will fire. Conditions are built from fields that exist in Outreach. For Opportunity triggers specifically, you can add Account and Opportunity conditions. Examples include “Stage is Negotiation” and “Probability is Likely”.
Finally, you’ll add trigger actions. The trigger action is the specific action the trigger takes when the trigger event and conditions are met. Triggers can be set up to fire only once per target by selecting the checkbox. If the trigger action has already applied to the target, disabling and reenabling a trigger will not fire the trigger a second time.
There are 6 available actions that can take place when the trigger conditions are met. Not all trigger targets will appear - the trigger conditions are conditional based on the target you’ve selected. For example, if you select “opportunity” as the trigger target, you won’t see the “add to sequence” option.
- Add Tag - Add a tag to the trigger target(s)
- Remove Tag- Remove a tag from the trigger target(s)
- Add to Sequence - Add the trigger target(s) to a sequence. For example, sequence the primary prospect into the “initial meeting reminder” sequence.
- Create Task - Create a task. The task that is created depends on if you've selected an opportunity, account, or prospect as your target(s).
- Set Field - Set a field on the trigger target(s).
- Stop Sequences - Mark all sequences, related sequences, or specific sequences as finished. A related sequence refers to a sequence associated with our Drift Integration. For more information refer to the Drift and Outreach Integration article.