The purpose of this article is to provide information to Outreach users on the basic opt-out options in Outreach for the Microsoft Dynamics plugin.
Outreach uses bidirectional field mapping to sync the Dynamics Do Not Allow... field in the connected instance, to the Outreach Opted Out field for Lead and Contact objects.
The mapping is added in the Fields section of the Lead and Contact objects of the Dynamics plugin.
Note: Organizations using a marketing automation solution need to consult their marketing team to determine the type of sync required between opt-out fields.
There are three common configurations:
Marketing and Outreach Share The Same Email Opt-Out Field in Dynamics
When Outreach shares the Do Not Allow Emails field with marketing, both Outreach and the marketing automation software can make the field true, effectively unsubscribing the Prospect from any marketing or sales emails in the future.
Note: This implementation of opt-out sync enables the opt-out fields in Dynamics. Even though Do Not Allow Emails is the only field mapped in Outreach, when the Lead or Contact is opted out in Outreach, all of the opt-out fields (e.g. Do not allow bulk emails, Do not allow Phone calls, etc.) in Dynamics will be updated as applicable. For more information regarding mapping opt-outs by communication type, refer to the applicable granular opt-out article.
Create A Sales Opt-Out Field In Dynamics
The Create a Sales Opt-Out Field in Dynamics option keeps sales and marketing email opt-outs separate, allowing transactional emails between sales and the Prospect to take place without affecting marketing.
To create this configuration, the user's Dynamics admin must create a writable true/false (boolean) field on the Contact and/or Lead object called Sales Opt Out.
Once the field is created in Dynamics, the account admin can work with the Outreach team to map that field in the Dynamics plugin settings within the Outreach platform.
Track Opted Out Prospects In Outreach Only
Users not wanting to sync Prospects who have opted out in Dynamics can prevent the creation of Leads and/or Contacts in Outreach or Dynamics by adding conditions to the Dynamics plugin settings on the Lead and/or Contact objects.
Users without a Dynamics integration can track Prospects who have opted-out in Outreach Sequences and Reports sections, and take action on the list as needed depending on the user's preferred workflow.