Configure who can view a recorded Kaia meeting as an Outreach Admin.
Applies To
- Outreach Admins
- Kaia
- Meetings
Before You Begin
- Some Outreach views and options require admin-level governance permissions, see Governance Profile Settings Overview.
- Outreach Admins can view Kaia recordings regardless of a recording's visibility settings.
- Recordings made visible to Outreach users in your org do not require those users to have a Kaia license to view them.
- In the Outreach platform, click Activity > Kaia in the left nav bar. The Kaia Recordings tab opens by default.
- On the Recordings page, find and click the applicable Kaia meeting recording from the list to open it.
- At the top right of the recording, click the silhouette icon to manage visibility.
- In the resulting Privacy settings window, select the desired option:
- Default visibility - Team members will be able to view this recording depending on their admin-configured settings.
- Private to meeting invitees - Only team members who attended or were invited to the recording will be able to view this recording.
Visible to your organization - Anyone in your organization will be able to access this recording.
- Click the Save button.
Additional Information
Outreach University - Outreach Kaia for Users
Outreach Kaia Permission Settings for Recordings, Notes, and Cards