The purpose of this article is to provide direction to Outreach Users in enabling granular opt-out options in Outreach. The feature is labeled Allow prospects to opt out of emails, texts, and calls separately in the Org Settings.
Intended Audience:
- Outreach Users
- Some Outreach views and options require admin-level governance permissions. If the options outlined in this article are unavailable, contact the Org’s Outreach Administrator as applicable. For more information regarding governance profile settings, refer to the Governance Profile Settings Overview article.
- This article discusses the process of enabling opt-out preferences. For more information on mapping granular opt-out fields in the CRM integration, refer to the How To Map Opt-Out Fields for Salesforce article.
Outreach supports opting Prospects out from specific communication channels - email, call, text - which leaves allows reps to reach out through other methods. For example, if a Prospect opts out of email, Outreach will now be able to “granularly opt out” the Prospect from receiving any further emails, but will still allow your rep to continue communicating with the Prospect via phone.
If a rep connects with a Prospect on a call, and the Prospect requests to no longer be called, a rep can mark the Prospect opted out of future calls specifically. You can also create a Trigger that is based on a specific call disposition being logged to opt a prospect out of calls automatically.
Allow prospects to opt out of emails, texts, and calls separately - Disabled:
If a prospect clicks on the unsubscribe link sent via Outreach, the prospect will be opted out of all communication types.
Allow prospects to opt out of emails, texts, and calls separately - Enabled:
If a prospect clicks on the unsubscribe link sent via Outreach, the prospect will only be opted out of email communication.
How to Enable Granular Opt Outs (Allow prospects to opt out of emails, texts, and calls separately)
- Access the Outreach Platform.
- Click the User's initials (avatar) on the bottom left corner of the navigation sidebar.
- Click Org under the Organization section in the Administration panel.
- On the General Settings tab, click to enable the Opt-Out settings option as applicable.
Using Opt Out by Communication Preferences
With this feature enabled, an Opt Outs section is added to your Rulesets. These new settings will determine how you would like Outreach to handle opted out Prospects in sequences. You can select to Continue and skip future … steps if you would like Outreach to skip the steps a Prospect is opted out of, or select if a Prospect is opted out of any type of communication have Outreach finish that Prospect from the sequence altogether.
Note: Different CRMs have different opt-out options configured out of box. Depending on the use case, you may need to leverage custom fields and configuration. For more information regarding opt-out options for a particular CRM, refer to the applicable CRM articles.
Also, Prospect Stage Changes will not apply if a Prospect skips/moves through a step due to to Opt Out Settings. For example, if you set Prospect Opts Out stage change to the Opted Out stage, but you state for emails the prospect continues in the sequence but skips all future email steps, the stage change is not applied as the prospect did not opt out during the sequence.
Opting a Prospect out in Outreach
Similar to how reps opt out Prospects today, to opt a Prospect out, navigate to a Prospect’s profile and under the edit dropdown select the Opt Out option. This will prompt the new Opt Out options to appear, allowing reps to now select which communication type the Prospect is opted out of.