There are multiple ways to export data from Outreach, including Data Sharing through Snowflake, the Outreach API, and various reports within the Outreach app. Outreach can also provide customers one-off data export request capability. Please review our information regarding various use cases and request procedure when data extraction is needed from an Outreach instance. To make sure we provide you the data you are looking for, carefully review the below and help us identify exactly what you need.
Applies To
- Outreach Admins
Before You Begin
Please note that exported data is in compressed .json format and separated by the respective tables outlined in the FAQ below. As the exported data is raw, and technical in nature, you will likely need an engineer(s) on your end to extract, transform, and load it into your desired outcomes.
In addition to this type of large-scale extraction, we also provide/support other measures to export and analyze your data you may wish to consider as more manageable alternatives:
- List views within the Outreach UI that allow you to export the selected records.
See also: Export from Outreach Overview - Reporting interfaces that provide graphs on various data points.
See also: Outreach Reporting Overview - APIs for an engineer on your end to extract data.
See also: Outreach API documentation - A data sharing option that allows customers to transfer data to their Snowflake and Databricks instances.
See also: Outreach Data Sharing - Our CRM connection, which syncs data back to your respective CRM (Dynamics, Salesforce) where in general you have additional customized reporting capabilities.
See also: Reporting Outreach Data in Salesforce
One-Time Data Extraction Request Process FAQ
How should I submit a one-off data export request?
This request must be made by an Admin of your Outreach instance. Please first:
- Log in to our Support Portal. (Learn how here.)
- Click here to submit a ticket for your data extraction request.
Note for FORMER Outreach customers: In compliance with our data security policies, Outreach instance data is deleted 60 days after the conclusion of services. You can request a one-time export of your Outreach data while it remains available, though please keep in mind the noted turnaround time. Click here to submit your request via our basic ticket form and proceed using the guidelines below. |
Ensure these form fields are completed as follows:
- Please choose your issue below: Support Inquiries
Subject: One-off Data Export Request
- Product Area: Data Extraction Request
Proceed to complete the rest of the request form as applicable. See below for additional guidance.
What should I put in the ticket Description?
In order to make sure your request is matching your expectations and we don’t miss any details, please ensure to:
- Describe exactly the use case behind this request so the team knows better how to help you.
- Provide a granular list of objects/fields you are looking for.
- [Optional but very helpful] Include screenshots from the reports pointing to exact numbers.
EXAMPLE: If you are looking for sequences data, specify if you’re looking for:
- the sequence name and specifics per sequence (openCount per sequence, when sequence was created, etc.)
- the sequence step details with intervals
- mailings, calls, and tasks along with users involved in those sequences
- etc.
What data/tables can be extracted today?
accounts | mailings | schedules |
calendar_events | meeting_fields | sequences |
calendar_event_attendees | meeting_types | sequence_states |
calls | messenger_conversations | sequence_steps |
call_dispositions | messenger_messages | sequence_templates |
call_purposes | opportunities | smart_views |
content_categories | opportunity_prospect_roles | snippets |
content_category_memberships | opportunity_stages | stages |
content_category_ownerships | personas | tags |
custom_duties | phone_numbers | tasks |
custom_validations | profiles | task_priorities |
duties | prospects | teams |
email_addresses | recipients | templates |
events | referral_predictions | users |
favorites | return_date_predictions | webhooks |
mail_aliases | roles | |
mailbox_contacts | rulesets |
What if there's something I need that's not in the provided list?
We want to hear from you and validate if it is indeed missing. In your Support ticket, please indicate your need in detail.
What format can/will this data be returned in?
It is a compressed JSON file.
How will the data be delivered?
Once the data is extracted, the Outreach team will share a cloud storage file with the email address associated with your initial request. You will have 14 days to download the report. We will delete the folder after that time.
What is the turnaround time?
Approximately 1 month.
Can I see a sample of the file, so I can understand the structure and whether I can work with it?
Absolutely! Here are two examples:
Data Extract for one Prospect record |
{ "accountId": 1762, "addressCity": "Italy", "addressCountry": "Italy", "addressState": "Italy", "clickCount": 0, "createdAt": "2022-03-31 04:43:57.000000", "creatorId": 32, "creatorType": "Import", "customFieldsLong": "{\"custom1\":\"4354612000\", \"custom2\":\"3964352200\", \"custom3\":\"Engineering \\u0026 Technical\", \"custom5\":\"Owner\", \"custom6\":\"2021-08-01\"}", "engagedScore": 0, "firstName": "Kagan", "histogramDirty": 1, "histogramInbound1": 0, "histogramInbound10": 0, "histogramInbound11": 0, "histogramInbound12": 0, "histogramInbound2": 0, "histogramInbound3": 0, "histogramInbound4": 0, "histogramInbound5": 0, "histogramInbound6": 0, "histogramInbound7": 0, "histogramInbound8": 0, "histogramInbound9": 0, "histogramOutbound1": 0, "histogramOutbound10": 0, "histogramOutbound11": 0, "histogramOutbound12": 0, "histogramOutbound2": 0, "histogramOutbound3": 0, "histogramOutbound4": 0, "histogramOutbound5": 0, "histogramOutbound6": 0, "histogramOutbound7": 0, "histogramOutbound8": 0, "histogramOutbound9": 0, "id": 2205, "lastName": "Gorgosl", "linkedIn": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/xxxxx", "linkedInSlug": "xxxx", "openCount": 0, "replyCount": 0, "source": "Apollo", "timeZone": "Asia/Kolkata", "title": "Product owner", "updatedAt": "2022-03-31 04:43:57.000000", "updaterId": 32, "updaterType": "Import", "website": "http://www.test.com" } |
Data extract for sequenceState |
{ "activatedAt": "2022-07-06 09:10:50.000000", "batchItemCreatorId": 26594, "bounceCount": 0, "callCompletedCount": 0, "callNoAnswerCount": 0, "clickCount": 0, "createdAt": "2022-07-06 09:10:50.000000", "creatorId": 3, "creatorType": "User", "deliverCount": 5, "failureCount": 0, "id": 4760, "isTrashed": 0, "mailboxId": 5, "meetingBookedCount": 0, "negativeReplyCount": 0, "neutralReplyCount": 0, "openCount": 4, "optOutCount": 0, "positiveReplyCount": 0, "prospectId": 4856, "replyCount": 0, "scheduleCount": 0, "sequenceId": 146, "sequenceStepId": 1203, "sequenceTemplateId": 1207, "state": "finished", "stateChangedAt": "2022-10-07 08:30:29.000000", "stepEnteredAt": "2022-10-07 08:04:07.000000", "updatedAt": "2022-10-08 00:00:40.000000", "userId": 3 } |