The purpose of this article is to provide an example of what a configured trigger for stopping all sequences for prospects in an account would look like.
Often reps will be sequencing multiple prospects from the same account in order to get in touch with someone. When one of those prospects ends up setting a meeting with one of your users, you may want to stop sequences that are running for any other prospects in that account. Configuring triggers for this will remove the need for manually finding those prospects and finishing their sequences, preventing any unnecessary steps from being sent to them.
Intended Audience:
- Outreach Users
- This process require two triggers: one to update a custom field on the account when a meeting is booked and one to stop all sequences for prospects in that account.
- Before building these triggers, a custom field on the account will need to be designated for this use. Label this field "Meeting Booked."
Trigger to Update Account When Meeting is Booked
First, let's build the trigger to update the account. This will make use of the "Meeting Booked" custom field you created.
Navigate to Settings > Triggers in the Outreach menu and click the "+ Add" button in the top right to create a new trigger.
Naming Your Triggers
As a best practice, label each of your triggers descriptively with a summary of its event and action. For Account triggers, we recommend adding a consistent label to the beginning such as [Account Trigger] and number your paired triggers, such as "Meeting Booked 1" and "Meeting Booked 2."
For example, the first in this pair of your triggers could be named "[Account Trigger] - Meeting Booked 1 - Update Account When Demo Meeting Booked."
Following this convention will help you easily spot the triggers you need, especially as your list of triggers grows.
Trigger Event
This prompts the trigger to begin checking the trigger conditions whenever the event takes place.
The event for this trigger should be "Meeting Booked" so the trigger attempts to take action once a meeting is booked with a prospect.
Trigger Target
The target tells the trigger which object it will be adjusting. In this case, we want to set the target to Account so we can update a field on the account.
Trigger Conditions
Trigger conditions can be set to restrict the trigger to only specific prospects, meetings, or accounts. For example, if we want this trigger to fire only when the meeting that was booked was a Contextual Demo meeting, we could use the following condition:
Trigger Actions
The trigger action takes place once the event and conditions are met. For this trigger, we'll set the "Meeting Booked" field on the Account to "true." Once this action is added, click "Save" in the top-right corner.
Trigger to Stop All Sequences
The second trigger we will build will stop any active sequences for all prospects in the account. Again we recommend labeling your trigger descriptively to make it easy to identify later.
For example, let's name this trigger "[Account Trigger] - Meeting Booked 2 - Stop All Sequences for Account if Meeting Booked."
Note: Triggers fire in the order they are listed, so this trigger must come after the first trigger in your full list of triggers.
Trigger Event
For this trigger, the event will be "Account Updated."
Trigger Target
The target here will be set to "All Prospects (For Account)" so we can mark their sequences as finished. You also have the option to limit this trigger to only firing once per target. This setting allows the trigger to only update each prospect one time when the conditions are met.
Trigger Conditions
Account conditions can be used to specify which Accounts are affected by this trigger. We will add a condition to check for "true" in the "Meeting Booked" field, which is set by the first trigger created above.
Trigger Actions
- Set the action to Stop Sequences.
- Click Save.
Once both are ready for use, you will need to go to your list of triggers and enable your two new triggers with the toggle to the left of their names!