The purpose of this article is to provide direction to Outreach Users regarding creating a new Prospect from a Gmail Inbox.
Intended Audience:
- Outreach Users
This article discusses the following:
- Outreach Prospect Indicator for Gmail Overview
- Automatic Prospect Creation
- Manual Prospect Creation in Gmail
- Additional Resources
- This article illustrates how Outreach works in Gmail with Automatic Prospect Creation Enabled. For more information on how to enable automatic Prospect Creation, refer to the How To Enable the Automatic Prospect Creation for Gmail in Outreach article.
- Outreach Everywhere must be installed and enabled to complete this process. For more information regarding installing the Outreach Everywhere Chrome Extension, refer to the Installing Outreach Everywhere Chrome Extension article.
Outreach Prospect Indicator for Gmail Overview:
When you are working from your Gmail inbox and emailing with Prospects every day it is hard to keep track of who is who. Prospect indicator is an efficient and easy way to identify if someone you are engaging with is already a current Prospect or a potential Prospect.
Accessing the Prospect Indicator:
- Access Gmail and compose a new email.
- Add an email address to the To: field.
Automatic Prospect Creation:
Automatic Prospect Creation is a feature within the Outreach Platform that provides Users the ability to efficiently create new Prospect records in Outreach provided the email address used for the communication is not already present in the system.
If the email address is not associated with a Prospect record in Outreach, a banner surfaces in the email compose window, informing the User that a Prospect associated with the email has not been found and will be created once the email is sent.
Additionally, email addresses not associated with a Prospect record in Outreach are tagged with grey dots preceding the name or email address.
Email communications where the email address is tied to a Prospect record within Outreach are tagged with purple dots preceding the name or email address.
Additionally, if Outreach Everywhere is installed and active, the Prospect’s profile will surface in the Outreach Everywhere panel.
Automatic Prospect Creation only creates a Prospect record for the email address. Users will need to update and add information to the Prospect profile manually with additional information such as the Prospect’s first and last name, location, and other pertinent information.
Manual Prospect Creation in Gmail:
For Orgs configured with automatic Prospect creation option disabled, Prospect identification remains the same, in that (with Outreach Everywhere installed) non-Prospects are tagged with a grey dot preceding the name or email addressed, and Prospects (those with records in Outreach) are tagged with a purple dot.
When an email address is entered that is not tied to a Prospect record in Outreach, the option to Add Prospect displays in the Outreach Everywhere for Gmail toll bar.
Clicking Add Prospect will open the Outreach Everywhere panel to a New Prospect Profile page allowing the User to add pertinent information about the Prospect.
Email communications where the email address is tied to a Prospect record in Outreach provide Users with the standard Outreach Everywhere quick actions and clicking the name or email address surfaces the Prospect’s profile in the Outreach Everywhere panel.
For more information on Outreach Everywhere and Gmail, or Prospect management, refer to the Additional Resources section in this article.
Additional Resources:
Outreach University - Prospect Management
Outreach Everywhere and Gmail FAQs
How To Install the Outreach Everywhere Chrome Extension
How To Enable Automatic Prospect Creation for Gmail in Outreach