The Interested (count) is calculated as the number of prospects that have replied to the email with a positive or referral response, based on the Outreach Sequence Email Sentiment Classification.
The Interested metric provides a clear indication of how well sequences and individual email variants are performing in terms of generating positive engagement and interest from prospects.
Applies To
- Sequences
The metric is calculated using the following formula:
- Interested (count) = Prospects count with positive replies + Prospects count with referral Replies
Interested (%) = [Interested (count)/Number of prospects with email delivered]*100
- Positive and referral replies are retrieved using the Outreach Sequence Email Sentiment Classification.
The new metric appears in two places:
- Sequence List View
- Added interested (% and count) metric alongside existing metrics (contacted, opened, clicked, replied).
- Displays the Interested (% and count) for each sequence in the list.
Allows users to sort on the Interested (% and count).
- Sequence Overview Page
- Added Interested (% and count) metric to each email variant alongside existing metrics (delivered, opened, replied, clicked).
- Displays the Interested (% and count) for each email variant within a sequence