The purpose of this article is to provide information to Outreach Admins regarding the org-level Email settings.
Intended Audience:
- Outreach Admins
This article discusses the following:
- Outreach Org Settings Overview
- How To Access Org Email Settings
- Mailbox Setup
- Exchange Service Account
- Sending Limits
- Unsubscribe
- Tracking
- Default Email Font
- Additional Resources
- Some Outreach views and options require admin-level governance permissions. If the options outlined in this article are unavailable, contact the Org’s Outreach Administrator as applicable. For more information regarding governance profile settings, refer to the Outreach Governance Profile Settings Overview article.
Outreach Platform Settings: Org Email Overview:
Outreach provides Outreach Admins the ability to set restrictions and parameters to better protect and maintain consistency for all Users included in the organization.
How To Access Org Email Settings:
- Access the Outreach Platform.
- Click Administration in the bottom left corner of the navigation sidebar.
- Click ORG Info.
- Click the Email tab.
Outreach Org Email Settings are separated into the following sections:
- Mailbox Setup
- Sending Limits and Safeguards
- Unsubscribe Links
- Open- and Click-Tracking
- Default Email Font
Mailbox Setup:
Outreach Admins can configure Org-level mailbox settings to add recipients to every email sent from the Outreach platform and configure an Exchange Service Account.
Note: For more information regarding configuring a primary email to Outreach, refer to the applicable content in the Additional Resources section of this article.
Sending Limits:
Email limits determine how many emails Users can send from Outreach each day/week as well as the total email limits per mailbox.
Outreach has a sending limit of 5000 emails per week. This limit is only applicable to emails sent from the Outreach Platform, using Outreach Everywhere, or using the Outreach Sales Engagement Add-In for Outlook.
Outreach Admins can configure Org sending limits based on the descriptions in the table below:
Option | Description |
Limit how many emails someone can send from Outreach per Day | Input the maximum number of emails each User can send from the Outreach platform per day. |
Limit how many emails someone can send from your Organization per day | Input the maximum number of emails each User can send from within the Organization per day. |
Limit the number of emails a single Prospect can be sent per day or week | Input the maximum number of emails a Prospect can be sent per day or week. |
Limit the number of emails that can be sent to the same email domain per day | Input the maximum number of emails that can be sent to the same email domain per day. |
Don’t limit emails to the following domains |
List domains that do not require restrictions in the space provided. Note: This applies only to the Domains throttle, not the Prospects throttle. Messages to prospects at included domains will still be throttled based on per-prospect limits. |
Outreach's unsubscribe link lands on a page that asks the prospect to confirm they'd like to opt out and provides confirmation when the action is complete. However, some companies have pre-existing unsubscribe pages with global lists that often live outside of these platforms and include the option to opt out of all emails or specific email lists.
When the custom unsubscribe link is enabled, and a prospect chooses to unsubscribe, then the link will automatically redirect to a custom landing page so the prospect is opted out of the company's global list or asked to select which mailing lists they'd like to opt out of. When the custom unsubscribe link is enabled, you'll be able to:
- Learn why a prospect has unsubscribed by gathering that information on your unsubscribe page
- Provide more flexibility to give prospects the option to from all or some email campaigns (i.e. Marketing vs. Sales campaigns)
- Follow CAN-SPAM laws and ensure all reps follow their company's email unsubscribe policies
- Have a central place to manage unsubscribe lists
Additionally, administrators can enable the option for one-click unsubscribing and for adding unsubscribe links to individual one-off and bulk emails sent from Outreach, providing an additional level of governance.
The post-unsubscribe URL can be static or you can use Outreach Variables to include dynamic content from the Company or User profile details (for example to send supplementary metadata or use a custom link for each prospect).
Enabling unsubscribe links in all email contexts and configuring a dedicated post-unsubscribe URL are Outreach-recommended best practices for security and deliverability. Learn how to manage all aspects of unsubscribe links below:
- How To Manage the Unsubscribe Link for Outreach Emails
- How to Customize the Unsubscribe Signature Link
Outreach Admins have the ability to apply tracking to email engagements when using the Outreach Platform.
Enabled, Users will have the ability to enable open- and click-tracking at an email-level. For more information regarding email- and click-tracking, refer to the applicable content in the Additional Resources section of this article.
Default Email Font:
Admins have the ability to set a default font for all of their Outreach users. This determines the default font and size for all users, but it can still be adjusted by the individual user in the email compose window.
Click to Save or Cancel changes as applicable.
Additional Resources:
Hide Email Activity in Outreach
Outreach Governance Profile Settings Overview
Outreach Unsubscribe and Opt-Out FAQs
How To Connect a Primary Email to Outreach
How To Enable Email and Click Tracking in Outreach
How To Connect a Microsoft Exchange Master Service Account to Outreach