Provide Outreach admins and users with information about how to enable the Google Meet & MS Teams integration for the Outreach Meetings.
Applies To
- Outreach admins
- Outreach users
Before you begin
- Available for organizations on O365 and G-Suite that are using MS Teams or Google Meet as video conferencing tools. MS Exchange is not supported.
- Enabling the feature means every Outreach user in the organization has the functionality.
- Meetings created before the feature was enabled will not have video conference links updated.
- Outreach recommends removing any other video conference links that users might currently have in their meeting template description or location fields to avoid conflict of these links with MS Teams/Google Meet links.
- Once the meeting is scheduled, it’s not possible to update the video conferencing method. (even though “no video-conferencing” is selected)
Integration Overview
MS Teams or Google Meet integration with Outreach Meetings automatically attaches unique videoconferencing links to every meeting created with Outreach. Scheduling meetings in Outreach with MS Teams or Google Meet integration is convenient, secure, and fast.
MS Teams or Google Meet links are attached to the invite in the following flows:
- Scheduling the meeting in Outreach app
- Sending available time slots via Outreach app / Gmail (via Outreach Everywhere extension)/ in Outlook (via new Outlook add-in)
- Sending the link to public calendar
- Sign in to the Outreach Platform as an Admin.
- In the lefthand navigation, click Administration.
- Click Tools > Meetings.
- Under Video conferencing, enable the preferred video conferencing method(s).
- Review and consider the system suggestion to remove the conference variables {{sender.conference_url}} or {{sender.conference_details}}. Complete this action as needed.
Be aware that {{sender.conference_url}} or {{sender.conference_details}} variables are populated from the rep’s Personal Conference info section (Settings > You > Calendar).
Outreach recommends cleaning up meeting types as soon as MS Teams or the Google Meet integration gets enabled (unless there is a specific reason for using Personal Conference info variables).
- RECOMMNDED: Remove any hard-coded video conference links from templates that might be in conflict with MS Teams/Google Meet video conference links attached to the event.
- Click Save.
Once enabled, all future meetings scheduled with Outreach will have a dynamically generated Google Meet or MS Teams link attached to them automatically for all users in the org.
User Experience Changes
- Users do not need to change their meeting booking workflow once this feature is enabled as long as they have synced Google calendar or O365.
- When users create a meeting with Outreach, a Google Meet or MS Teams meeting link will be automatically added once the invite is sent.
When scheduling a meeting directly in the Outreach web app or sending availability via Gmail, Outlook or Outreach app, the user has the following options for video conferencing:
- Google Meet/ MS Teams [Default]
- Personal meeting info. This is displayed only if the user has filled in the Conference URL or Conference details in personal settings.
- No video conferencing
- When sending a public calendar link Google Meet/ MS Teams gets appended automatically once the buyer schedules the meeting via a public calendar. In case the meeting type contains {{sender.conference_url}} or {{sender.conference_details}}, these variables will be ignored to avoid situations with 2 links.
Is Outreach Kaia compatible with Google Meet and MS Teams?
Yes, Outreach Kaia is currently compatible with Microsoft Teams (for Kaia live experience) and Google Meet (for Kaia post-call experience).
Kaia is additionally compatible with Zoom (for Kaia live experience) and WebEx (for Kaia post-call experience).
If the Org’s admin enables the integration for their org, is every Outreach user enabled?
Yes, the feature is enabled for every Outreach user in that org. The prerequisite for the users is to connect their Google/O365 calendar to make the integration work.
Will Outreach add Google Meet/MS Teams links only to meetings scheduled with Outreach?
Yes, Outreach will only add links to meetings that are scheduled with Outreach (Outreach app or Outlook add-in/Gmail extension or Public Calendar).
- If there were meetings created within Outreach before this feature was enabled - then those meetings will not be updated with the new link.
- Outreach will not add links to meetings that are synced to Outreach.
- Outreach will not add links to meetings that are synced in even if they are later updated within the Outreach calendar.
When will the meeting links be generated?
Once a new meeting has been scheduled. This means that the sales representative will not see the meeting link or conference details before the meeting is actually scheduled.
I have created the event, can I update the video conferencing option?
At the moment, no. Once the meeting is scheduled, it’s not possible to update the video conferencing method, even though no video-conferencing is selected.
Users are getting a warning Multiple video conferences detected when trying to send invites. How can this be avoided?
This warning appears when the user selects MS Teams/Google Meet as a video conferencing option but uses the meeting type that contains {{sender.conference_url}} or {{sender.conference_details}}, or types these variables manually.
In this case, the user should either Remove the meeting URL and conference details that were populated via variables or change the videoconferencing method to Your personal meeting info.
If this happens repetitively, users should reach admins and request a review of their meeting types. Outreach recommends deleting {{sender.conference_url}} or {{sender.conference_details}} variables if they should no longer be used.
Google Meet
Does the Outreach user need to do anything to add the meeting link to the meeting invite?
No, the Outreach user does not need to do anything to add the Google Meet link to the meeting. After a new meeting invite has been sent with Outreach, the link will be automatically added to the meeting.
MS Teams
Does the Authorized By user need to be an Outreach user and/or an MS Teams Admin?
Yes, the Authorized By user must be an Outreach user and must also be an MS Teams Admin.
Can I enable MS Teams with Exchange?
No. Functionality only works for O365 calendars. Even Microsoft does not fully support Teams meetings with Exchange in certain set-ups.
If the Authorized By user in Outreach Kaia settings changes, does the MS Teams Admin need to delete the old app in their MS Teams apps settings and re-create it?
Yes, if the Authorized By user is changed in Outreach, the MS Teams Admin must delete the old app and re-create it.
Additional Information
Kaia Live Meeting Assistant in Outreach Voice FAQ