The purpose of this article is to provide direction to Outreach admins in configuring Outreach and Salesforce to generate reports that address which sequences influenced new opportunities created and won, and which sequences influenced the most revenue.
For more information regarding the Salesforce Unmanaged Package, refer to the Last Touch Sequence Attribution (Unmanaged Package) FAQs article.
Applies To
- Outreach Admins
- Some Outreach features and options require enablement access. If the features and options outlined in this article are unavailable, or if you would like to install the Outreach Unmanaged Package, contact the Org's AE as applicable.
- Completing this process requires admin-level permissions in both the Outreach platform and the Salesforce instance.
- This article uses images from Salesforce Lightning to illustrate direction. The process is the same for Salesforce Classic except for accessing Page Layouts, which is accounted for in Step 1 of the Adding Installed Fields to Page Layouts in the Salesforce section of this article.
- Unmanaged packages are similar to open-source code, meaning the building blocks needed for the package are provided but it is not supported by the package's author.
- If you’d like to install the Outreach Unmanaged Package in your Salesforce Sandbox, please use the Sandbox Unmanaged Package.
- If you’re installing the package in your production environment, use the Production Unmanaged Package.
Before completing this process, ensure Admins have the following:
- Confirmed Outreach Connection to Salesforce.
- Confirmed Historical Trend Reporting is enabled in Salesforce.
How To Install the Outreach Unmanaged Package in Salesforce
- Install the applicable unmanaged package.
- Select Install for All Users.
- Once installed, you’ll see the below screen in Salesforce and the Salesforce admin will receive an email notification. The following changes have been made:
- New fields have been created on the Contact, Lead, Event, and Opportunity objects (API name prefix: outreach_).
- Four new automated processes have been created in the Flow Builder.
- A new report folder named “Outreach” with three pre-configured reports will be present.
- Complete Adding the Installed Fields to Page Layouts process.
Note: Confirm the Do Not Install option is selected when existing components' names conflict with those in the Outreach package.
If you do not yet have Historical Trend Reporting for opportunities enabled, you will need to enable it in Salesforce.
Installation may take several minutes. If the installation hangs or provides an error, the Salesforce installation dialog will prompt the user with the next steps.
Adding Installed Fields to Page Layouts in Salesforce
- Access Salesforce.
- Access Page Layouts by navigating through the following path: Setup > Object Manager > Lead > Page Layouts.
- Add the newly created fields to the layout.
- Add the newly created fields to each required object such as Contacts and Opportunities.
- Complete the Map Salesforce Lead-Level Fields to Like Contact and Opportunity-Level Fields process in this article.
Note: Salesforce Classic users will navigate through the following path: Setup > Customize > Leads > Page Layouts.
Outreach recommends creating a section titled Engagement Panel and adding the newly created fields to this section. The newly created fields are prefixed with outreach_. The First Primary Contact Lookup field should be a required field on the Opportunities object.
If you do not use Opportunity Contact Roles in Salesforce, you will need to add the Last Touch Contact field to your layout. This is a Contact lookup field where users will input the contact whose engagement resulted in this opportunity. In order to attribute the sequence without using a Primary Opportunity Contact Role, this field will need to be required.
Map Salesforce Lead-Level Fields to Like Contact and Opportunity-Level Fields
- Access Salesforce and navigate to: Setup > Object Manager > Lead > Fields & Relationships > Map Lead Fields.
- Map the Current Sequence Name and Finished Sequences fields to the corresponding fields on the Contact object (i.e. Current Sequence Name, and Finished Sequences, respectively).
Note: This ensures that the data is not lost as Leads are converted into Contacts.
Map the Lead-level Current Sequence Name and Finished Sequences fields to the corresponding Opportunity-level fields, (i.e. Last Touch Sequence and Attributed Finished Sequences, respectively).
Map Outreach Engagement Fields to Corresponding Salesforce Fields
- Access the Outreach Platform.
- Access the CRM Plugin Settings.
- Click the Lead object in the Types list.
- Add and Map the Current Sequence Name and Finished Sequences fields.
- Click Save.
- Repeat Steps 4-6 for the Contacts object.
Note: Click to enable the Updates Out options to push data to Salesforce as applicable.
Test the Accuracy of Revenue & Pipeline Correlation Reports
- Select an Outreach Prospect that is synced with a Salesforce Lead or Contact.
- Add the Prospect to a sequence, and ensure that at least one sequence step is completed.
- Ensure the Engagement Panel in the Salesforce record has synced, displaying engagement data for the most recently active sequence from above.
- Create an opportunity in Salesforce, and add the Contact to the opportunity (or convert the Lead, to add to the opportunity).
- Add any additional information for the opportunity as applicable (e.g. fill in the Amount field) and click Save.
- Review the opportunity record and confirm the Last Touch Sequence and Finished Attributed Sequences fields are filled in. If it is filled in, the automation is working as intended.
- Move the Salesforce opportunity to Closed/Won (or other like-closed/won stage).
- Navigate to All Folders > Outreach and access the Outreach - Revenue by Sequence report.
- Confirm the opportunity revenue has been properly attributed to the Outreach sequence.
Note: If you do not see data here, please refer to the FAQ at the end of this guide.
This functionality only applies to Opportunities created going forward, so depending on your organization, it may take a while to build a complete report. The below screenshot shows what it could look like: